Disasters etc.
Final day – breakfasted at 7:30 on bus for 8 a.m. set off for Belfast at 08:15 a.m. We were expected to be in Belfast to meet the ferry at 5 p.m. so a long drive ahead of us. I did not take many photos on the journey home – in fact according to Susan I slept most of the way back to Belfast. I prefer to state that I was reprising the holiday, looking for high spots, low, humorous and disasters that had occurred in our Irish Holiday. Casting my mind back to Sunday 17th April when we set off from Susan’s house to Edinburgh to catch the bus to Glasgow were I had a disaster which put me in a very grumpy mood. Along with my travelling case I had a small plastic bag with two cans of coke, power pack for net-book. The cans of coke were Diet Coke and Pepsi Max, as we got up to get off the bus there was a jerk and I stumbled back – getting off the bus and walking up to St Andrew’s Square Bus station I felt a coldness on my leg and looking down I saw that the plastic bag was full of liquid – yes the Diet Coke can had leaked and my power supply was soaked. – Grr – never trust Coke cans. Susan was very calm (well it was not her power supply ) emptied the bag – I managed to get another bag at the bus station.
No problems on the bus trip into Glasgow from Edinburgh, and after a longish walk from Buchanan bus station to the hotel in George Street we booked in and got settled. After a little rest we headed out to have a meal and a little walk about my old home town. I elected not to take a camera but Susan did and she got some very good shots of George Square, Glasgow City Hall. As it was such a nice evening and both of us not driving we headed to a Wetherspoon near Queens Street Station to have a meal and a drink. I know I enjoyed the meal , but it was not that memorial for me to recall what it was, after a drink of Guinness I treated Susan and I to a small Glenfiddich – here we either had a humorous event or a disaster depending on how you read this. I was relating some childhood tale to Susan about the station when I noticed a hand reaching out and taking Susan’s whisky glass and disappear. I asked Susan had she finished with her whisky? Her face turned into a picture, how I wish I had a camera to record that look, she looked stunned , she had not finished her glass. I think that was the first time I saw Susan in two minds – either to shrug her shoulders and forget it or to go and kick up fuss. The latter won out – she stormed off and made her complaint and retrieved her glass, which had a mouthful of whisky left.
Next morning we made our way from the hotel to our bus at Buchanan Street Station. Susan had loaned me her nice white baseball hat. On arrival at the hotel in Ireland and collecting out coats I could not find the hat – oh boy in trouble again. I finally replaced her hat when we visited Killarney. Last event concerns that ever popular comical prop the battery. There we are in Killarney Susan shooting away with her little point and shoot camera taking her pictures when she utters the immortal words of the modern photographer – “Bother batteries are dead, never mind I have a spare set” She did have a spare set – but they were flat as well. I did not help when asked if I had spares with me – nope I had left them in the jacket back at the hotel. See I’m in trouble again.
Oh yes the hat – I nearly forgot that punch line on that one – As we boarded the bus on the final day Susan checked up on the shelf and lo found her white baseball cap. – So I ended up with two hats, the one I bought in Tralee and the white baseball hat.
Reflections on Tour
Well it was all over, 5 day tour to County Kerry from Glasgow, did I enjoy it? Yes I did. Would I go again? No. Well I would if the base hotel was sited in Killarney or even Tralee but not in the middle of no-where. Did I like the hotel? Yes, I cannot fault the food, the staff service and in general the room was clean. So why would I not go back again – simple – part of the magic of a holiday in Ireland is the night life in the pubs, interacting with the locals. Alas that was not available s we were based 24 k from Killarney and 12 k from Tralee – no taxis or buses. The coach driver did say that whilst the tour was popular no-one does it again because of that fact.
I cannot fault the organisation of the tour or indeed the tour itself. Buses were on time, the excursions around Kerry were good, as was the company, the Hotel did have entertainment but very little people there. Other tours use the hotel, but the drivers take their tours out at night, ours did not – nor was it part of the deal, I think it should have been. Would I take Caledonian again – hmm taking all into consideration I would have to answer No. My main objections would be the fact it leaves from Glasgow, so you have the added expense of a hotel in Glasgow, the transportation to Glasgow and the early departure times. Would I recommend a coach tour – yes I would – but check it carefully.
The bottom line is I did enjoy my holiday, we had good weather, good tours out during the day and I have very good company (Susan). Am I looking forward to the Holland and Germany trip? A resounding YES.
Thank you for taking the time to read all these blog entries – I hope you enjoyed them.